Tuesday, April 20, 2010


this past week the christian band underoath toured in Italy. they toured around with many different people one of the bands name was disciple if u all don't know them they are a little christian band that started up in Kentucky. now back to underoath they been touring around the world for quit a while. that was there goal as a young band to tour around the whole world and share the gospel to unbelievers. if you don't no who underoath is they are a young christian band that started up in Florida now they all new each other since they were kids so they were pretty close to each other there whole life. now i encouge all or you guys to watch them i you here there testimony and travel with them this new year.

1 comment:

  1. nice. underoath is indeed quite awesome.

    ethan, you needed a post about a news item though, and you didn't have links included in your blogs.
