Monday, May 17, 2010

breaking benjamin

breaking benjamin
is one of the best bands in the world right now with there hit song diary of jane wich sold over a million copies they are touring around the world these days rocking out for the crowd. now if you like heavy metal/rock then go to one of there concerts or just listen to themas they rock this year.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


i really hate this considering that anyone could log on my facebook that is dumb, a facebook should be private but if people have bad pics or something than that's bad but it shouldn't do that if its good. there are creepy people out there but they shouldn't do that. but its fine for friends to see like you mr. smither you can see my pictures.

Four Democratic senators called on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday to reconsider the recent changes in its privacy settings and asked the Federal Trade Commission to streamline guidelines regarding privacy on all social networks Now, users have less control over private information, and it was done without the users permission.

Monday, May 10, 2010


ethan albright

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


this past week the christian band underoath toured in Italy. they toured around with many different people one of the bands name was disciple if u all don't know them they are a little christian band that started up in Kentucky. now back to underoath they been touring around the world for quit a while. that was there goal as a young band to tour around the whole world and share the gospel to unbelievers. if you don't no who underoath is they are a young christian band that started up in Florida now they all new each other since they were kids so they were pretty close to each other there whole life. now i encouge all or you guys to watch them i you here there testimony and travel with them this new year.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

devil wears prada

today the band the devil wears prada will be playing in Kentucky they went on a road trip and they joined with a day to remember as they rock out in Kentucky. they toured with them before but this time there will be new songs. and after this they will both make a new CD. yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one of there new songs is im made of wax Larry what are you made of. mike the lead singer of the devil wears prada sings in it in a throw down fight with Jeremy from a day to remember it is one of the best scream battles ever made.